Chuma Nwokolo’s Diaries of a Dead African is a novel in three diaries written by an embattled farmer, Meme Jumai, and his two sons, Abel (failed writer) and Calama (aspiring conman). Funny and idiosyncratic, Diaries presents an authentic face of a private dilemma with universal and tragic dimensions. A condensed version of Meme’s Diary was published by London Review of Books. In 2002 it was translated into Italian for a special edition of Internazionale featuring their three best stories from around the world. A purged entry from the Diaries was translated into Slovenian for Arzenal, a publication of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; another won the Subway Lit prize
Ann-Platinum –
I bet you’ve never had the chance to read someone else’s diary. Fortunately there is one out there belonging to Meme Jumai and his sons you would wanna check out.
There were instances I laughed so hard while reading, I wondered if anyone thought I was crazy.
Meme Jumai’s hunger pangs shows you what people are capable of doing on an empty stomach. His son Calamatus and his fraudulent schemes with Abel’s continual struggles to make something meaningful out of his life will give you a good laugh.
An interesting read, you definitely need to get a copy for yourself!